Do you wonder if the United States and the USSR had a sit down meeting with drinks and cigars sometime back around 1991 and both agreed that they would make no more war and make no more overtures leading to any wars and they would both shed their feeble partners in Europe with the goal of making the world safer for oligarchs? The USSR spun off all the useless debris of the Cold War almost overnight and went from recognized super power to homey ole Russia while the US shed almost every last bit of the force it had kept in Europe and at home in the face of a full blown Soviet super power and nobody noticed.
Oh sure we called it a peace dividend but the real upshot was that the 2 superpowers had looked at the world and decided that none of it was worth fighting over and barely worth keeping and agreed to let the chips fall where they may. With that was the renaissance of the horrible InHoly Roman Empire as dreamed of by German and French philosophers for 300 hundred years and lo, they came upon the world stage and decided that their purpose was to bring back the great powers and spark some conflicts and get more God knows what....
They decided to reinvigorate all their populations by bringing in the very worst and most violent unsocialized people on the planet and not integrate them into their societies but simply turn them loose to wreak havoc on the lesser people so that the little people would call for more and more totalitarian means to control the new and more violent people but who then end up getting crushed by the usual scum that always rise to the top in Europe and now they have decided that brinksmanship is the name of the game and they want to play the two superpowers off each other for some concessions to Europe.
I really cannot imagine what drives those people in Europe. We have our democrat idiots but that appears to be all that they have in Europe plus the insanely violent and destructive islamics and africans. We at least have some chance to rein in the democrats but the Europeans just let the very worst people in the world get on top and "control" the situation by applying more vicious unprincipled violence against their own people and the majority of them seem to be content with that. But we could say that about the French under Bonaparte, Germans under Hitler, Spain under Franco and the Italians under Mussolini. They are really not at all like us.
Europe used to be a nice place to visit but to be honest, I don't have any desire to go again.
If you're curious about our relationship with Russia try watching some of the Youtube clips where Richard Nixon discusses the relationship between the USA back then and the USSR. He was crappy at dealing with domestic issues but he was nobody's fool when it came to international relations. And bear in mind that while the USSR is gone almost all the people currently running the show were part of that regime back then. Putin started out as a career KGB agent. A devout communist. While he's pretended to change he's still a KGB communist deep in his soul as are most of his associates.
I have written Europe off. They destroyed themselves.
Always the same story Dan.
Please explain what interaction you've had with Russians to have a mindset of Russophobia.
Where did the bad evil Putin touch you? Did he tax and spend your nation into the oncoming bankruptcy?
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