I'm pretty sure they went out of their way to tank education in every country in the West because there is no other real explanation for how one formerly democratic country after another in the West has disposed of the entire idea of free national elections and referendum. Canada joins the ranks of dismal shitholes that has opted for an unelected globalist poltroon and now shares company with all of the EU, Germany, France, Romania, Turkey and the rest of the liberal progressive West that used to contribute to the idea of peaceful democratic states getting along peacefully with their neighbors. Let's not forget that the Democrat morons in this country were perfectly happy to not have any say at all in who ran for president and vice president on their ticket last year because the actual nazi elite in charge of them tossed out demented Joe Biden at the last minute and substituted a pair of morons; both struggling to be stupider and duller than the other.
Honestly, did you ever think it would be the French behind rebuilding Festung Europa? I thought they only did it last time because the Nazis were paying them to build it all in order to keep America and the British out.
Do you suppose anybody over there has figured out that a very large majority of Americans will not lift a finger to help them out of the next crevasse they tumble themselves into? Democrats won't do anything because war requires men and democrats don't have any that join the Army and the rest of us are too smart to retake Europe for the 3rd time because, what's the point?
I'm reminded of the old Lassie joke where a family member replies to the barking by asking "You're telling us Timmy fell into the well again?" Europe seems to find a more odoriferous hole to fall into.
Born 1954. I watched them Declare education broken and demand power to make changes, to Fix it. Changes were made. The next tests showed a drop in scores. Rather than Undo the changes that caused it they said More changes must be made. That is when I knew, as a sixth grade kid, they were intentionally wrecking it.
Much easier to control and rule an ignorant propagandized population than an educated one. The people in power want their subjects just bright enough and just barely trained enough to do the jobs they want done but NOT smart enough nor educated enough to ask questions. And to a large extra they have succeeded in achieving that goal. Hell...7% of people polled actually believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
@ Justin_O_Guy
"They" couldn't undo the changes; They're "constitutionally" unable to admit they've made a mistake
sorta like the Tower of Bagbel
I get it. It's in their foundation, constitution, to never admit being wrong. They Weren't
They accomplished the mission. The declaration that education was broken was a lie. A pretext for sabotage.
Just like the medical system.
I was born in 57. I went to a very progressive brand new middle school in Fort Worth. I remember the day the took away the grammar books in 6th grade and gave us more free time. Later in life i went to the junior college to take remedial English and college English so i could write for work. I am glad the department of education is dead alongside with my old “teachers”. F-ck them all in the heart for f@cking me as a kid. May they rot in hell. Tom
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