Alyssa Farah Griffin: "The arts obviously skew left of center. How much in beltway media the story of the Kennedy Center takeover has become a big story so out of touch with the middle of this country."
The Arts skew left not because the artists and art is left but because the people who control !100% of the public monies spent on art are complete leftards and idiots and the only people who then get any money in the arts are people who are leftards or doing a damn good impression because the left is shameless in funding only its adherents and punishing to death those that don't agree.
This is perhaps the only thing they learned from the French Revolution and they never realized what happened to the Jacobins or of the White Terror or what happened to France itself after the leftards were permitted to run loose and the truly amusing thing is that Marat and Robespierre are perhaps 2000 X farther to the right then any PBS or NPR person broadcasting today— and they don't know it.
Every singe Foundation is hard left. The Tides and the Ford Foundation are outright communists and every board member is dyed in the wool full frontal socialist who would not hesitate to condemn the unvaccinated to death or to starve in concentration camps and these people universally think of themselves as the 'good' people.
On that note, an awful lot of the very best 'good' people were recently fired from their sinecures in the federal government and are without a job or means of support. I wonder what the real suicide rate is these days in the District and the counties surrounding it. It wasn't just a handful let go it was an awful lot of them and they are the very definition of living beyond their means and spend to excess. On the gripping hand they are so literally full of themselves that many of them simply haven't accepted it yet or they think they can survive 4 years in the wilderness and come back into power and property when they inevitably take back the government. They also assume their victory and return is inevitable despite taking the 20% side of every single issue currently on the table.
These are the first of the Iron Laws:
1 comment:
Can't remember who said it but there a quote that states any institution not specifically conservative and made to remain conservative will ALWAYS eventually become liberal.
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