Saturday, March 15, 2025


 It appears that President Trump has decided to launch significant attacks against Yemen. One might make an argument that it would be a good idea to have an appointed Chief of Naval Operations in place if one is going to engage in a naval war on the other side of the world. That said, the ideal form of naval war in this case is a simple air and sea blockade and we have rich experience in naval blockades and shooting down Iranian aircraft in that part of the world.

On the gripping hand, if we still have a carrier or assault group inside the Persian Gulf it would have been prudent to pull them out before launching a war against Iran's last proxy in the Middle East.


Michael said...

Let's see is this the same US Navy that gets into accidents against lumbering cargo ships and other US Warships?

The same one that ran out of SM2 anti-aircraft-anti-missile missiles and COULDN'T reload on station Because we DON'T have resupply FIGHTING against the SAME Hothi's last year or so?

The same US Navy that had a carrier group actually have the defended carrier HIT by Hothi's?

Bold Plan Cotton. Might want to rebuild the Navy FIRST and get resupply and repair ships back online first.

Anonymous said...

Resupply? Repair?
What kind of magic is this mysterious 'logistics' of which you speak?
--Tennessee Budd

Dan said...

Live fire practice against ragheads isn't a bad idea. But only if the navy learns from and make needed changes from lessons learned. Otherwise it's just an expensive fireworks show.

Auntie Analogue said...

Two words: Mission creep. The naval effort stalls, or runs into snags
(logistical or otherwise), or proves unable to eliminate the enemy threat, or the enemy escalates beyond the capabilities of the naval force, and the next thing you know comes the call for "boots on the ground," followed by long, costly quagmire.

HMS Defiant said...

There is more than I can say to making a significant definitive change at the top of the leadership. Trump got rid of that moron Austin and Franchetti and while I don't know the man, Hegseth seems to be on the ball. There are lots of places to rearm ships that work and are quite close at hand. Fujairah works, Khor Fakkan could work, Djibuouti would work and maybe even Hargada. The thing to keep in mind is that Yemen has destroyed Egypt's economy by slashing Suez revenue to nothing and Egypt has long been fighting against them. Getting the gang (Saudi, Egypt, UAE and US back together to wipe the floor with the leadership in yemen is a good start to ending an old problem. Hell, we could probably rearm and refuel in Jeddah if we wanted to.

Michael said...

Maybe true. But history shows Arabs are unreliable allies, given to sudden changes of the heart. A real blue water navy NEEDS its OWN resupply and ability to repair.

LOL I just read my note. Arabs are unreliable, so it seems Americans to the rest of the world. Every few years the winds of Politics blow and Poof, all promises before are in question.

Like that Cloud City quote of Darth Vader "I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it further".

Anonymous said...

There is Kissinger, “ it may be dangerous to be Americas enemy but to be America’s friend is fatal.”

Michael said...

Dan, it gets expensive when such oddities like Aircraft malfunctions and the Pilots have to eject over that recently bombed area. Has already happened the last time we attacked those "Ragheads" you so quaintly name them.

It gets REALLY Expensive when we find out (you know FOFO) that they have a surprise or three and a Carrier goes down.

Hard to bomb folks into the "Stone Age" when they already live there.

Maybe the FOFO will occur when "Ragheads" that are living inside America decide that our sports and churches are proper targets. Maybe power grid.

So, Dan the Man, just how much trigger time do YOU have in the Sandbox? I've but 2 years and 10 months.

HMS Defiant said...

Y'all are right and consider the funny thing I wrote above. I spent a year at NAVCENT in Bahrain on the staff and shortly after I left we had USS Cole make a brief stop for fuel in Aden of all places. It got blown up there. My peer in the next trailer over was the FMO (Marine Colonel) who had just returned one day from Jeddah where security had flattened him in a flying tackle because he was taking pictures of the slice of pier we all were considering docking one of our SSNs at and NO PICTURES!!!!!!!! We go from the merely unwise to the foolish in the blink of an eye. I'm not gonna laugh if someone proposes we arm up some tame islamics to send up against the Houthi. Been there, done that. I do wonder though when Pestilence is going to be allowed out to play.

Dan said...

GFY Mikhail the troll.

Michael said...

LOL the Internet Hero shows his mighty keyboard.

Riddle said...

Actually, the U.S Navy (Never Again Volunteer Yourself) successfully shot down a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Superhornet just a few months ago.