Tuesday, October 15, 2024


This was posted back in 2013 so quite some time ago. Nothing has really changed and I thought about it off and on all day today. 

The words are a little hard to read but I assure you I have a much better camera and take way better pictures these days. That said, of course nothing ever really changes. The basics remain the same from one age to the next.

The current adventurers are colonizing the New World and with luck no more than 20% are here at the behest of their god and ISIS, Al Quaeda, Hezbullah, Hamas, or any of all the other rabid muslims. A large number appear to be adventurers seeking wealth and perhaps even the means to return home just as the adventurers did for hundreds of years after they explored the New World. 

The vast majority come with their slaves and are intent on conquering and subduing the natives they find in the New World and they are about as amoral, vicious and unknown to God as the bulk of the Spanish explorers were. Like the Spanish before them they bring their diseases, customs and hatreds to our shores and mean to set them up as the new contagion. They're the sex-traffickers, pedaphiles, procurers, pimps, druglords and the bottom 20% of their own society. Needless to say, our feckless rulers have invited them in to share our goodies just as Montezuma and the Incans did in their time.

They're not all that keen on dying for God or his Majesty but perhaps for the Chinese Communist Party, Blackrock, ISIS and Allah they'd be willing to risk a brush with death. They're not just our problem, they are our children's problem and theirs' unto the ending of the Age.

Did you know that there are more foreign born residents actually living in London now then native British subjects? It's kind of weird and surreal to see an era ending and it's like nobody even notices it swiftly vanishing away into history.


Anonymous said...

Every civilization has been over run and over turned by another one. History is full of examples since the beginning of recorded human history. Not that it makes what's happening now in the West any better, but we are living through it and watching it unfold before our eyes.

Many commentators discuss the fall of Rome as the "standard" by which empires and civilizations fall, But one only need reach back to the 1600's and even as recently as the late 1800's to see how European expansion effectively destroyed the lives and cultures of those peoples who had lived in the Americas for thousands of years.

We are now experiencing exactly what Native Americans in North, Central and South America witnessed and experienced first hand. And why should we be surprised? Just because we have cars, microwave ovens and smart phones, why would anyone think the West should be any less prone to invasion and colonization?

It's a cycle. Always has been and always will be as long as humans exist. It's the fundamental nature of humans. This is who we are and we will always be this way.

Michael said...

Dear Anon (I bet your a very clever sort with Anon as your screenname)

Since you feel thusly, why are you USING Western Technology to peck out your so "Virtuous Missive" to the unwashed idiots?

Why haven't you given your stuff to the "indigenous Tribes" nearby (HINT today that would be South American Gang Bangers) and huddled in a cardboard hut somewhere?

The "Noble Savage" MEME was SO Victorian made-up stories.

They murdered, raped, enslaved and destroyed the local ecology with human waste and burned off forests for this years crops.

Might makes Right even in the Noble "Indians" who BTW came from ASIA when there was a land bridge in now Alaska.

Now back to real life(tm) inflation is out of control and empires fell because of that. CONgress (spelling intentional) is a one trick pony, they can PRINT Money BUT they cannot PRINT a single loaf of bread to buy with it.

When the GIMME DATS cannot eat from their phony money EBT cards you'll be getting that cultural enrichment of their attentions.

Then you'll learn that laptop-smartphone-desktop isn't as powerful as a club or a knife when the "natives" we've IMPORTED from 3rd world countries arrive.

Have a nice day liberal, try calling 911 then.

Dave said...

Which of the illegals flooding the US with the help of our tax dollars is here to build civilization? Not a single one. They are here to destroy.

We see that with the illegals doing the jobs that Americans won't do such as murder, kidnapping for bucks, driving without insurance or license while intoxicated and a host of other such activities.