Tuesday, October 8, 2024


 As I contemplate a November soon that sees Republicans winning the election I wonder if they are readying themselves for legislative combat on their terms. It is probably long past time when we let the idiotic American-hating leftists write and set the agenda for each new Congress.

There needs to be a reform of the Judicial Branch of government. It is worth delving into the Constitution to see how we accomplish a few minor but valuable changes in the way our Courts work.  We need to put an end to the longstanding practice of allowing any insane or stupid vicious jerk who wears judicial robes to impose a nationwide injunction on any Law going into effect. That practice has to be brought to an end.

It would be nice if Congress acted and eliminated the violation known as Asset Forfeiture. If flies directly in the face of the express written words in the Constitution. End it.

We need to break up the entire Homeland Security apparatus and bureaucracy. It obviously has nothing at all to do with providing Homeland Security and has proven to be more Gestapo than the Gestapo.

It is probably time to get rid of the ATF and the DEA. Neither serves any real purpose under the Constitution and neither has ever served the interests of the American public.

It is time to smite the FBI and get it back under control. It needs to be reduced in size to match its current effectiveness. In other words, it is now an organ of repression used against ordinary American citizens and has lost all real purpose and justification. Frankly, if I was sitting on a jury and the prosecution told me that they were bringing in an expert FBI witness I would just automatically assume that he/she/it is lying to me.

The Congress needs to rewrite the CIA charter. It needs a top down review as does the NSA. Sadly, in the past we would rely upon the old hands as the experts in advising us in these matters but 100% of them all lied and told us that Covid originated in a meat market and that Biden juniors laptop was a Russian Hoax. Frankly they are all liars.

The Department of Defense needs a thorough cleansing and I don't know how to fix it. The Clintons started the corruption at the top and chose 4 stars that then turned around and selected more generals to be 3 and 4 stars whose only qualification was unquestionable social credentials and a willingness to pervert the military at every level with all the things purpose built to destroy military forces. DEI is just a shadow of all the things they did to destroy the military. Look at the long term destructive effects of Navy shipbuilding over the last 25 years. 100% of the new designs were total shit and so useless not one of them has found their way into our line of battle. There is no replacement cruiser, destroyer, frigate or mine sweepers. I mean there is literally NOTHING in the pipeline or under construction now and nothing since the Clintons left office.

Congress needs to move all of the Bureaucrats out of DC and. into the hinterlands. Note, this is expressly not to move them to New York City, San Francisco or LA or to Las Vegas. Let's get them back where the Founders wanted them, in some miserable fever infested swamp. Tell them they have to earn their way back to Washington DC and the only way they can do that is by establishing an American colony on Mars.

That should do it. Americans will be attending baseball games on Mars in a couple of years or they'll die trying.

1 comment:

Mikey said...

I think you get rid of the FBI and all other armed police forces the various administrations seem to have grown and roll all Federal Investigative and Law Enforcement functions up under the US Marshalls. I once floated the idea of just getting rid of the US Air Force and rolling it's various responsibilities up under parts of the Navy and Army. Actual operations are run by Area Commands anyway so having too many branches muddies up the command structure and the procurement process. That might also have the effect of putting some emphasis on building an effective Navy.