Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 The destruction of America is happening right before your eyes but you cannot see it.

Were the thousands of local news papers around this country destroyed almost overnight so that the destruction of every little town in America would happen in isolation unseen and unnotieced by a press and media that live in just 3 places; New York City, Washington, DC and left coast America?

It never really occurred to me just how destructive dumping thousands of migrants on an unsuspecting little town at 0200 can be. Think about it. Overnight the Feds have doubled the number of kids attending school in your little town. Who pays for that? Who takes account of educating kids that don't speak English and what is more, move into grades based on age alone? You now have public elementary and high schools overwhelmed and destroyed by kids who know literally nothing, cannot read or do math and who outnumber the kids you put in your schools.

When you think about it, what is happening today is profoundly evil and everyone involved in it should be jailed forever and their assets destroyed just as they are destroying this country without anybody really noticing what is happening in the next town over.....

They destroyed all the local and state papers so you wouldn't see it happen or read about it in the news.


Anonymous said...

It's called overwhelming the system to create a collapse.

Who were the 2 democratic Socialists that wrote the book about it?

All this destruction isn't a bug, it's the burn it all down plan.

Hope and Change and JOY.


RHT447 said...

How many radio stations did Soros just buy?

urb81 said...

Cloward-Piven strategy