Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 I copied this picture from the funeral service for Ethel Kennedy where all the master criminals and their handlers got together in front of the scenery to do some more open conspiring in front of their electorate who really are just too.....well anyway.

GUN!!!!! He's got a GUNNNNN!!!!!!

Well, at any rate I am led to believe by the media of which there is so little of worth that little kids making this kind of finger gun in school are hauled away by the cops and grilled for hours by those concerned legal eagles who demand to know where the kid got the gun. I suspect Obama will manage to talk them down this time and there was clearly no hostile intent.....I mean I understand that Hillary was not present for the festivities.

On the gripping hand, I fully expect to read in the NYT tomorrow all about how Joe bravely survived an assassin's attack while standing around in a church looking dazed and confused.

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