Monday, October 7, 2024


 As sure as taxes and as easily as death, each generation, except mine, stepped up to the plate to be led by the nose ring of great stupidity into protesting things in the West that were always nonsensical and beyond farce and they all have no regrets because each and every one of the stupid dimwits thinks they are bringing out a necessary change to the World Order. God knows what it was before the "No More War" crowd of anti-Vietnam protesters who demonstrated in stupid mass against keeping South Vietnam from going under the tyrannical boot of communism. I think they lost the point.

This generation also kicked off the overpopulation bomb and acid rain myths.

The next generation leaped into moronic and feisty stupidity with their bleating about "No More Nukes" and "Nuclear Free Zones" and tried to overrun the various bases in Europe that played host (it is alleged) to certain American armaments that were never confirmed nor denied.... In this case as in the previous example it looks very much like the Soviets were the instigators and funded these movements in the hope of winning some idiotic victories of no meaning in the Cold War. In both cases, the adults didn't pay much attention and the feisty stupids are convinced to this day that both Vietnam and our nuclear posture were the pure unbridled meanness of Rethuglicans. Trying to point out that Vietnam was a purely Democratic War and that the nuclear policies were the necessary outflow of the containment policies practiced by Democratic regimes is kind of a waste of air.

There was a boring time when we just didn't do that sort of thing. Sure there was some talk about this enormous hole somebody just noticed in the Ozone layer but we quickly got on top of that and printed billions of new $ for the oligarchs enacting legislation to damage industrialization of the 3rd World.

Finally we turned to the doom cycle of "No More War for Oil" because of course that is what the whole thing was all about. There was no other reason to kick Iraq out of Kuwait and everybody now knows it, according to the dimwits writing the history of the world as it ended in 1991 and declared, "An End To History." Twits.

That wasn't enough by any means so we had to sit up and be made to notice that the whole world was MELTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is still getting the full throated war support of the truly stupid among us who believe that CO2 makes up something like 5-30% of the atmosphere and kills polar bears. This was followed by the insanity of BLM and then the COVID Hysteria whipped up by people in control of the media and,

This was quickly followed by the idiotic pro-Palestinian Death Cult now sweeping the land in the absence of any insignificant low-life black thugs getting themselves reset to room temperature by overacting white cops.

What worries me about this and concerns me is that each example above shows a less and less personal involvement in the WHOLE REASON FOR RIOTING. I can understand the youngsters of draft age being a little tired of the idea and fighting back and I can even see some tiny bit of foolish charm in the idiotic old nuns hacking holes in Navy aircraft temporarily lying around airports in Ireland because they were part of the nuclear war machine but the rest of it is just pure stupidity on a stick.

When people babble about what the Idiocracy and the Left have done to Education of our Youth this is what I think they are working towards. They want a stupid and ignorant and violent and sick and twisted mob ready on command to make war and mayhem on the civil authority on demand and these are just them testing to see if they have refined their techniques enough to overthrow a Western Democracy. 

I used to think there would be some sort of payback for those who led the violence but that isn't the case. The graduates of all these Ivy Colleges are hired in droves to work in the university, the media, in NGOs that claim your money as theirs, in government at all levels and in the Bureaucratic State. They hire each other and they don't want any of you to even think about ending their gravy trains.

Based on the evidence, I'd say they're pretty close to takeoff for the All Powerful Bureaucratic State.

1 comment:

elysianfield said...

Yeah...what HE said. The last 50 years in a nut shell.