Tuesday, January 9, 2024


It has long been true that those who fail in any way to be missed by anyone when they are not around are usually of little or no use to anyone. I think that sums up our idiot and counter productive Defense secretary perfectly.YMMV


Trumpeter said...

I always noticed this when working holidays in the hospital, most especially Labor Day. Things run better with no management around.

HMS Defiant said...

I used to say I was never better managed then when my Group Commander was 8000 miles away. In the old days we would go from month to month without ever even hearing from either the PHIBRON 12 staff or MINEGROUP 1 staff.

Dan said...

I suspect everyone the Pentagon believed needed to know about this was informed.
The fact that they did not feel it necessary to inform the White House is telling.

The DoD no longer considers itself subordinate to the President. So they no longer
keep the White House apprised of things. This started when Trump was in office and that POS Gen Miley talked to Beijing behind Trump's back assuring them that he wouldn't allow Trump to make any military actions the Pentagon didn't approve. For that Miley should be hanged. The brass also conspired to remove control of the "nuclear football" from Trump. Another seditious act for which people should have swung. The criminals in the Pentagon got away with those crimes. Now they feel they no longer are answerable to the ",, Commander In Chief".

Trumpeter said...

Oh, and he IS DEAD so we won't see him again. Killed in Ukraine.