Saturday, January 27, 2024


 You might have missed the little blurb some errant folks added to the news cycle about a pair of US Navy SEALS that were lost overboard while boarding a dhow in the Red Sea. It seems that two of the men famous around the world for being very nearly drown-proof fell into the Red Sea and vanished. 3 ships and some aircraft supposedly searched 21,000 square miles of Red Sea and couldn't find these two men.

Think about it. Even a non-compliant boarding of a dhow wouldn't be done at speeds exceeding 5-10 knots and the place the men entered the water would be known to within feet simply from the gps/time marker for when they went in which means that their position in the water would be known to within 20 feet. There really isn't that much of a current in the Red Sea so if we accept that the very first priority of the boarding crew/party was the safety of the men in the water the question begging to be answered is how did we lose them?

There is more to the story then what CENTCOM has dribbled out over the last 10 days and consider that nobody heard about it until days after the event happened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Either its a cover for what actually occurred (lots more going on, .gov and .mil not wanting to let things slip) or this is a cover story for how a couples guys get recruited into a ghost unit.