Sunday, January 7, 2024


 News finally picks up on fact that Secretary of Defense was admitted to hospital on or around New Years and the nose-picking Army didn't bother to inform the Press! You can imagine their shock after all those years of waiting for the tools in the Pentagon to keep the Press fully informed about every little minute detail such as the latest in Army uniform policy, the Press just knew the Army would burst out with the news instantly if the X running the Ministry of Infernal Aggression checked into the hospital for a week or two.

On the other hand it's hard not to laugh out loud. There hasn't really been any meaningful participation in government by President Biden for at least the last 13 years and Congress bleats about the malperformance of the Homeland Security Tsar and head of the Coast Guard, and of course the Secretary of Transportation just took himself off duty for a year or two to raise infants he and his husband found somewhere, no doubt by the side of one of those racist roads he is so concerned about, and nobody noticed as much of the transportation network just collapsed under the idiocy of our COVID response.

I used to suspect that most things would go much better for all concerned if the wingnuts in the Pentagon and Norfolk and Florida just took the year off and let the people who know what they're doing simply get on with business without the constant and stupid and bothersome interruptions. I'm pretty sure nobody in OSD really noticed that Austin was MIA and nobody cared either.

I wonder what happened to the reporters of old who had informed sources in every nook and cranny of the government, sports, industry, banking, gambling and even the Families who would pick up the phone and call with news and facts. Nowadays it seems that reporters only sit in padded chairs and wait for the Departmental Spokesmoron to read from the prepared brief and walk away without answering any impertinent but germane questions.

Remember these clowns? You might call them obsessive but the rest of us thought they missed the boat, the train, the plane or anything moving faster than Joe Biden when it comes to finding real news.


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