Thursday, January 11, 2024


I was reading a blurb update about the decision by NASA to shove the next manned moonshot to the right in order to accomplish some needful things. Here are the ones that struck me hardest and most cruelly:

 I'm afraid that this is what struck me as the refined essence of our shiny old bureaucratic State. Weep for the NASA that used to be.

Yes, your attention is invited to the. bottom right side of the NASA webpage where Brian is listed as the "Responsible NASA Official." I wonder if he knows?

Why it's important? Nothing at all happens in a place like NASA where the first and foremost effort of every single bureaucrat is to avoid being held accountable. Poor Brian obviously lost out and God help him if there is a spelling or syntax error on the NASA webpage. He could be fired!

Someone should probably give Koerner a nudge to see if she is still alive. Nothing NASA is doing is now or in the immediate future involves "first-time capabilities or operations." This is building a rocket which we have been doing for over a century now and filling it with rocket fuel and sending it to the Moon which we started doing over 60 years ago! NASA's problems are identical to Boeing's. They took all of the Engineers out of the loop and put bureaucrats in charge of literally every single thing from picking the color of the rocket ship to approving the outward facing corporate web page. In Boeing this results in crashes and great loss of life. In NASA it results in not very much happening decade after decade after decade as it coasts on wrapped in long vanished glory.

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