Sunday, January 14, 2024


 The author of this piece about the Alberta cold front fails to recall one other significant possible outcome other than freezing to death the next time the cold dark night saps all the power from the electrical grid and Albertans find themselves freezing to death in their homes. Yes gentle reader, there is always the mandatory evacuation of all of Alberta. I see this as the Canadian government's next step in its glorious path to social redemption and destruction of all things Canadian.

As our readers know, the Canadians have already pioneered this new Climate Gonna Kill You All forced evacuation last summer as fire roared through the well kept forests and prairies. I wonder if the United States is going to set up machine guns and clear fields of fire to keep those pesky and dangerous Canadians out. I hear they're cannibals!


Mind your own business said...

Had a college friend from New Brunswick who became an eye surgeon. He fled Canada with his family because of the absurd medical system there and set up a successful practice in the midwest.

I'd prefer Canadian immigrants who grew up with Canadian culture. At least ones with skills we can use. There should be an evaluation of every illegal immigrant on whether what they bring to our country is positive or negative. If it is negative or neutral, send them back. We don't want them or need them. And they have absolutely no right to be here otherwise.

elysianfield said...

Those bastards come down from the frozen north to insult our men and steal our women...keep 'em out, I say.

Anonymous said...

Never understood why Americans put up with some of our musicians like Neil Young or Celine Dion. Although Lombardo and his Royal Canadians or Robbie Robertson and most of the Band would be exceptions. Bring in Canadians and they’ll whine about the health system and not having to wait 6 months to get a referral. Canadians are so polite they smile while queuing up for a coffee and a donut at Tim Horton’s.