Monday, February 24, 2020


My better half pointed out this morning that my drivers license expired a month ago. 2 California Highway Patrol officers said my Rhode Island license was no good in California at 3 am outside Monterey. The San Diego PD stopped me and gave me a ticket for a california rolling stop and were not amused when I joked about it.

In Ohio you're made to get a new license. They clip the old one just so, what? exactly? You have to wait for a month to get the new one and meanwhile you drive with the clipped one. Why? I did have to pass a vision test to get the new one this morning and that was really difficult and I may not pass it again.

That's OK I can drive to Pennsylvania and get one that's good for 16 years to life. Guess who lived in PA a lot.


capt fast said...

well, you got me looking. mine is up next month or so. along with the ccwp. time to play bureaucrat shuffle!

Unknown said...

I'm in CA. My driver's licensed expired last summer. About the year 2012 I notified the state that if I am ever held in violation of requirements for insurance or driver's license I will pursue legal action for discrimination. (I do carry insurance but that is beside the point for this comment.)

I am a white male. This state is flooded by illegals. The city's and state governments welcome the illegals. Two of my friends - hard working, lawful - have had vehicles totaled by illegals. And the illegal was not detained nor action taken against them. My sister's car had major damage done while legally parked. It was an illegal alien drunk as a skunk. Sis and I and about 5 other people saw it happen. In that case, her insurance did not total the car so sister was on the hook for the deductible and out of pocket expenses. Myself have twice had damage done by illegals. CHP and Sheriff deputies have told me they can do nothing about it. Not one of those illegals carried insurance or had a legitimate license...even though state licenses have been available to illegals since 2013.

HMS Defiant said...

On first day in San Diego I got T boned by an illegal running a red light in downtown San Diego My car was totaled. Going to my first and only HOA meeting in my convertible I was rear ended by another drunk illegal in a pick up truck. He didn't have a valid license or insurance either. Weirdest was while my car was parked in front of my house in Emeryville and got destroyed by a motorist. He wasn't drunk, he just had a heart attack. I've got a 21 year old Jetta parked in the garage. I have no idea how it survived that long. My RX-7s took a complete beating.

Murphy(AZ) said...

The problem is as bad here in Arizona as in California. Illegals simply do not apply for a driver's license, and paying for insurance cuts into their beer money. Here, the voters are desperately trying to prevent our asshole legislator's from passing stupid, pro-illegal biased, laws and rules, but it seems like a losing battle as more and more refugees flee Cali and bring their Liberal diseases here.

capt fast said...

so far, my seventeen year old dodge truck has been rearended three times by people texting or just on the phone instead of driving their cars. so far the insurance companies totaled two of the other cars and done twenty three thousand dollars in repairs to my truck. I was not even upset the third time I got hit. It might pay for the insurance companies to invest in uber or something because sooner or later they will be out of business if this keeps up. then again, because my truck weighs seven thousand pounds at zero fuel, empty I pay a lot for full coverage. as for the illegals, there is just no answer that democrats are willing to accept. I do feel that a drunk drivers car needs to get crushed because that is the only way to get them out from behind the steering wheel.

HMS Defiant said...

I looked hard into getting a CCW. It's fairly easy in Ohio. I don't carry. I remember when I moved to California in furtherance of Uncle Sam's life for me and two cops came by in a little place I don't even remember the name of right now. They were welcomed into our condo and told us that we had to remember to drag the dead losers in to avoid court and endless trials.

I have found that simply not going to those places avoids the shooting, the court and endless legal shit. I miss out on about 1% of the country. I'm OK with that. Don't want to go there anyway.

HMS Defiant said...

You know I read that and the endless national election news where all but Trump are simply willing to lay on their backs and spread their legs. I'm very tired of it. I see that one of my former Commodores is now a columnist. It's funny for me because I saw him leading the 5th column in revolt,

capt fast said...

sounds good to me. as a smelly walmart shopper,I felt the need to be proactive in my self defense. a guy finds the post office to be even more terrible as the feds do not allow any weapons on post office property, including the parking lot. not even a small length of one inch rebar under the seat.
but that said the bureaucrat shuffle only took eighteen minutes this morning-in the door get the eyes checked take the picture and out the door with a temp card until the real deal comes in the mail. Unlike five years ago. which just shows what a non-liberal county clerk can do for you.CO seems to think seventy year olds need a seeing eye dog to drive for them, if your under 65 you can geterdone on line. old farts got to show up and breathe on a mirror in front of a clerk.