Tuesday, October 8, 2019


It's amazing how this cartoon resonates with the games the various democratic party led committees and leaders in the House of Representatives as they seek to impeach President Trump without ever actually taking a vote of the House to impeach the President. They are playing with fire and seem to think that they win if they just stick to their resolve because rethuglicans invariably cower from the mobs they think the democrats command. If only they knew that the mob is basically antifa and 99% of Americans would rejoice if antifa was simply exterminated root and branch as the Germans should have done to the NAZIs and the Communists before the War.


SCOTTtheBADGER said...

Calvinball was one of his better ideas. I miss that strip!

capt fast said...

A great analogy. POTUS thru the calvinball at Congress. democrats and some rinos in the House think they just won the game. they don't understand that with this President, democrats are in the vortex spot and held to the same standard as he is. some democrats are up for re-election in their districts. they do not want to show their true selves to voters just before an election. the boomerang zone.
Popcorn and beer time! What ever happens, we shall be entertained!

HMS Defiant said...

My brush with fame. We both go to the same barber here in metroparkcentralis.

HMS Defiant said...

Oh yeah!