Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Well, I just watched another amazing demonstration of the power and result of really good engineering and skill as SpaceX lofted another rocket with payload into space. It gives me hope that there is still good things going on despite all of the crazy bad and insane things that seem to be bursting out all over. It also means that with the FAA and NASA concurrence they can start to ready a mission to retrieve the extra astronauts off the ISS.

To be completely honest, doubts that have been allowed to sideline the immediate return to Earth of a spacecraft make its safe return less and less plausible with every day that passes and I'm not sure even NASA can justify putting two lives into the can and lowering it back into the atmosphere at this point because they have just firmly expressed their belief that the ship doesn't work properly and is too risky to use to return people alive to earth. Again, one way or another they will return to Earth.

Off to Pittsburgh in the morning.One of the things I got used to after all those years in California and operating out of California was how there were few nearby cities that were ever worth the bother to go to for a visit. I just didn't like LA and still don't and San Diego is surrounded by a desert that makes it hard drive to just about anywhere and once you've driven from there to Las Vegas, you won't do it again unless you're on your way to Denver. 

Metroparkcentralis is surrounded by interesting cities that are still worth visiting again and again. Except Detroit.

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