Sunday, July 14, 2024


 I heard about the assassination attempt at around 8 O’clock and it never even occurred to any of us to turn on a TV and see what was happening. We all just looked for information with our usual online sources. That is how low our expectations for any kind of factual broadcast news have fallen and that’s a dismal state of affairs that can never be remedied. 


boron said...

perhaps because you no longer hear the news on the "News": you only hear propaganda and feelings

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about this same thing, too. The last thing like this I can remember is Reagan around 1981 I think it was, I remember being at school (9th grade) and a secretary had hand-written out on a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 paper a short note saying that someone had tried to assassinate President Reagan and that he had been taken to the hospital. (Perhaps one TV in the whole school probably in the library, decades before cell phones or any of that) The school bus dropped me off at home an hour later and my folks were GLUED to the network tv. (Remember the speculation but at least there was kind of reporting back then)
Nowadays? Phhhhooey or worse.
Tom from East Tennessee

Anonymous said...

I forgot some detail from 1981 in school... the secretary wrote out this note on paper and taped it to the doorway exiting the main building so we could all read it while leaving school for the school busses outside.

Lowell said...

What you just described of your expectations of broadcast news hit like an anvil. Because you are absolutely correct.

MSG Grumpy said...

The Secret Service allowed the shooter to crawl up on a roof 130 yards from the podium.
They WATCHED as he set up his rifle and then he shot the President and also Murdered a Dad and others in the stands.
They LET him take the shot because they were TOLD to let the shot happen.

They were instructed to let the shot happen by Biden's Puppet Master.
No other possible way this happened…

MSG Grumpy

MSG Grumpy said...

opps add "Brothers" to the end of that!

MSG Grumpy

HMS Defiant said...
