Wednesday, July 10, 2024


I don't watch the news or discuss the news with very many people but I do wonder if any readers are getting any interesting and disturbing feedback from the idiot side of the House who have spent all these years literally believing every word that the media spoke or wrote over the last 90 years was all true right up until all of a sudden the media announces with stunned amazement that Joe Biden is a senile and demented old man who couldn't out think any 6 year old kid. How did they handle the abrupt about face from their ever so believable and honest reporters? 

I would think anyone with a smidgen of integrity and honesty would come down pretty hard on all the people that have lied about Biden for all these years because senility does not sneak up on one. I watched it happen and it happened between sitting down to watch The Black Panther movie and then beginning the drive home from the theater right after and it was OBVIOUS. It was like a thunderbolt.

How do people who have now been caught so easily and effortlessly lying and misinforming the public keep their jobs given the fact that they all pissed their integrity away forever by covering for Biden and the democrats?

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