Saturday, July 13, 2024


 The shooting of President Trump today is just the beginning because it is now perfectly obvious that the SS have failed to field any anti-drone capability at all. I suspect there will be no more outdoor speeches from the presidential candidates because today laid bare the massive incompetence and unpreparedness of the SS. RIFLES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DIFFICULT TO BRING TO BEAR ON PROPERLY PROTECTED OFFICIALS and if they failed to stop that how are they even going to try to stop combat drones in the hands of vicious fascists?

It doesn’t look good for America. That SS show on the stage was Gong Show level of professionalism and expertise.


Anonymous said...

Unless it's Kabuki.

death said...

All dems are targets now.

MSG Grumpy said...

Several reports that people attending the Trump rally noticed and told the security personnel that there was an armed man climbing the building next to the venue. Nothing was done until After the man opened fire.

Also reports that the DHS has been hampering and turning down additional security for President Trump.
I guess the Deep State is getting tired of playing with Lawfare and have decide to turn it up a few notches.

God Protect us all, if they will do this to a very rich and very popular man, what do you think they would do to you and your family if you got in their way?

MSG Grumpy

HMS Defiant said...

I really hope he hires an old dignitary protection guy to ramrod ALL of is future security at public venues. The SS ARE CLEARLY NOT EVEN TRYING.