Thursday, July 4, 2024


 I am a little happy that the 21st century is beginning to look a little more like what I expected back when I was 20 thanks to Elon Musk and SpaceX. That said I am hawking up a post from roughly this day 11 years year ago. Given the choices the Uniparty is getting away with presenting to us as un fait accompli I think this is much more likely now than not.

For those keen to celebrate in style, an old family recipe we used to serve at Saint Barbara's Day.

This stuff is devastating so I'd urge the appointment of duty or designated drivers if you plan to drive anywhere after quaffing some Artillery Punch.

Have a good and memorable day and think about America in the quiet interludes.

1 comment:

DC said...

Trying to follow the recipe, I don't understand the initial measurements (Left Column)and then the center and right hand columns.

Reminds me of Moose Moose Milk from the HMCS Provider...