Monday, July 22, 2024


 As I heard that Biden resigned from his campaign for re-election on X instead of like a man on live television these scenes went through my head.


And does anyone else find it suspicious that CrowdStrike wiped out all the computers the governments use and now all the managers of the lies and deceit that are the democratic party administrators of every bureaucracy in America can safely order all of their "files" disposed of and new computers brought in because all of the old ones suddenly stopped working?


They are literally destroying all of the evidence of their crimes as we watch them.

What files are you talking about Congressman? I don't have any files Congressman. All of our files were lost in theCrowdStrike fiasco that wiped out all of our electronic files and records. I'm not sure that there is anything that can be done to rescue all those files you are asking for Congressman.

Not to worry though, the FBI is investigating and the CIA are on top of it! Nothing to see here.


Michael said...

Could you give a link about the losing all records in Cloud strike error?

Haven't seen anything about that yet.

A off the record Reichstag fire, eh?

B said...

They didn't lose all the records. No one did. The systems simply won't boot up due to the Crowdstrike software.

If any records are lost, it wasn't due to this.

Biden didn't do the announcement on X, someone else did it for him.

HMS Defiant said...

I am prognosticating things that will come to pass.

ColdSoldier said...

You are correct. I don’t believe in coincidences.