Monday, July 29, 2024


 We spent a few minutes in Camden and this time it corresponded with when the Camden Library Historical collection was available to paw through look over. It was there I popped open a book with the help of the local historian who had in-depth knowledge of his collection. I asked if he had any of the sailor logs of the various vessels that sailed out of Camden over the centuries. Why yes, yes he did.

Inside I ran across Black Vomit, a privateer out of Salem, Massachusetts in The War of 1812. One has to wonder how she came to be awarded such an uncommon name. 

I can recommend the Camden Library to anyone possessed of an interest in American shipbuilding and history. It has the Write Stuff!


 Ammo Grrrll is a regular weekly feature at chez Defiant but I wonder what she would think of this object we ran across in an art gallery outside of Pittsburgh on Saturday.

Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Well, I just watched another amazing demonstration of the power and result of really good engineering and skill as SpaceX lofted another rocket with payload into space. It gives me hope that there is still good things going on despite all of the crazy bad and insane things that seem to be bursting out all over. It also means that with the FAA and NASA concurrence they can start to ready a mission to retrieve the extra astronauts off the ISS.

To be completely honest, doubts that have been allowed to sideline the immediate return to Earth of a spacecraft make its safe return less and less plausible with every day that passes and I'm not sure even NASA can justify putting two lives into the can and lowering it back into the atmosphere at this point because they have just firmly expressed their belief that the ship doesn't work properly and is too risky to use to return people alive to earth. Again, one way or another they will return to Earth.

Off to Pittsburgh in the morning.One of the things I got used to after all those years in California and operating out of California was how there were few nearby cities that were ever worth the bother to go to for a visit. I just didn't like LA and still don't and San Diego is surrounded by a desert that makes it hard drive to just about anywhere and once you've driven from there to Las Vegas, you won't do it again unless you're on your way to Denver. 

Metroparkcentralis is surrounded by interesting cities that are still worth visiting again and again. Except Detroit.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Do you also get the sense that NASA is somehow trying to work out a way to return their delinquent spacecraft and astronauts to Earth late on a Friday night of a long weekend hoping that nobody will notice if it doesn't go well and other more important things will displace the news off the front pages on Tuesday morning?


Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 What hideous event will occur in the next 24 hours to obscure and upstage Kamala's sudden reveal when Joe Biden takes the opportunity in his address to the nation tonight to step down as our President in her favor? Remember that phone ringing in the Oval Office at 0300?

It's possible that there is nothing more horrific than Kamala as our next President, fairly and democratically elected by the party that brought us all the KKK and slavery. What is it about them that they cannot grasp what it means to live in a Republic? Fair elections are a complete mystery to them.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 A nuclear weapon detonates in the Middle East and the Red Phone in the Oval Office rings. Who answers?

Monday, July 22, 2024


You've now seen the New Secret Service in action. What are the odds one of them plugs Trump with a sudden negligent discharge? Would she have to resign or would someone have to step up and actually fire her?


 As I heard that Biden resigned from his campaign for re-election on X instead of like a man on live television these scenes went through my head.


And does anyone else find it suspicious that CrowdStrike wiped out all the computers the governments use and now all the managers of the lies and deceit that are the democratic party administrators of every bureaucracy in America can safely order all of their "files" disposed of and new computers brought in because all of the old ones suddenly stopped working?


They are literally destroying all of the evidence of their crimes as we watch them.

What files are you talking about Congressman? I don't have any files Congressman. All of our files were lost in theCrowdStrike fiasco that wiped out all of our electronic files and records. I'm not sure that there is anything that can be done to rescue all those files you are asking for Congressman.

Not to worry though, the FBI is investigating and the CIA are on top of it! Nothing to see here.

Monday, July 15, 2024


 Oops, I jumped the gun.

I’ll have to try harder next time.

Sunday, July 14, 2024


 I heard about the assassination attempt at around 8 O’clock and it never even occurred to any of us to turn on a TV and see what was happening. We all just looked for information with our usual online sources. That is how low our expectations for any kind of factual broadcast news have fallen and that’s a dismal state of affairs that can never be remedied. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024


 The shooting of President Trump today is just the beginning because it is now perfectly obvious that the SS have failed to field any anti-drone capability at all. I suspect there will be no more outdoor speeches from the presidential candidates because today laid bare the massive incompetence and unpreparedness of the SS. RIFLES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DIFFICULT TO BRING TO BEAR ON PROPERLY PROTECTED OFFICIALS and if they failed to stop that how are they even going to try to stop combat drones in the hands of vicious fascists?

It doesn’t look good for America. That SS show on the stage was Gong Show level of professionalism and expertise.

Thursday, July 11, 2024



Lite Blogging. Back in awhile

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


I don't watch the news or discuss the news with very many people but I do wonder if any readers are getting any interesting and disturbing feedback from the idiot side of the House who have spent all these years literally believing every word that the media spoke or wrote over the last 90 years was all true right up until all of a sudden the media announces with stunned amazement that Joe Biden is a senile and demented old man who couldn't out think any 6 year old kid. How did they handle the abrupt about face from their ever so believable and honest reporters? 

I would think anyone with a smidgen of integrity and honesty would come down pretty hard on all the people that have lied about Biden for all these years because senility does not sneak up on one. I watched it happen and it happened between sitting down to watch The Black Panther movie and then beginning the drive home from the theater right after and it was OBVIOUS. It was like a thunderbolt.

How do people who have now been caught so easily and effortlessly lying and misinforming the public keep their jobs given the fact that they all pissed their integrity away forever by covering for Biden and the democrats?


 Reading Zero Hedge today I was struck by a future nuclear exchange with an enemy power and it occurs to me that if they really wanted to do us a major and unrecoverable injury they would make sure that no bombs fell on Washington, DC or New York, New York. They'd have to destroy the rail yards in Chicago but there is no reason to gut the whole city just to split the nation into two parts.

Our cities and our government are the least effective instruments of power that anyone can imagine and yet the venal puppets and their backroom owners think that they are the very best leaders and managers in the whole entire world. 

So no, the worst thing an enemy could do to US is leave us our most densely populated cities and the clowns in Washington to micromanage the war and its recovery, following the surrender of course. The bridges over the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers would have to go.

The U.S. Rail network with Vancouver thrown in


Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 Crazy vicious lying conniving thieving human scumbag Joe Biden has made his intentions clear now. He and the real ruler of America will not step down voluntarily and with dignity and allow the Powers that Be to choose in the most undemocratic process ever, his replacement. Moreover, he is going to be an enormous roadblock to the sneaky low down murderous scum behind the throne who think they can pull off a coup d'etat by getting Kamela run over by a truck and having Joe appoint a virtual monster like Newsom as his new Vice. Shades of how we ended up with our first unelected President.

So the question is, would you get on a plane or helicopter with Joe Biden?

The next question would be, just who exactly screens any carry on materials that find their way onto Marine ONE and Air Force ONE and how many of them work for the CIA?

Do you know who is behind most coup attempts the world over?  

Sunday, July 7, 2024


 As I review the 2 major conflicts currently running in the world I see the constant refrain from every single nutjob with no skin in the game demanding a cease-fire and peace talks. You have to wonder what planet they wandered in from because they always fail to understand how conflicts end. They assume that because some exchange of words is involved that conflicts are brought about by embracing the proper words. What they always fail to see is that conflict is finally resolved when one side or the other can no longer bear the pain of continuing. 

In both Ukraine and Gaza it is quite painfully clear that the country with the upper hand has not reached the point where it feels any pain and the losing side refuses to accept the pain of losing and so remains fully engaged in bleeding to death. So, why do all the 3rd parties insist that talks can lead to peace? Is there a single example where words alone not backed up by the most explicit threat of imposing agonizing defeat ever worked to end a conflict?

In too many of the cases where conflicts were resolved over a peace talks table how often did we get yet another perfectly reasonable casus belli which would use the very words of the peace agreement to define the justification for starting the next war?

One of the less delightful aspects to living and reading history is how one finds so many people pig ignorant of history who fail to understand at all the reason why things are the way they are and who assume that there is one singular cause for unhappiness that leads to war but that it can all be dispelled if we all just sit down together and talk about it. For them the Christmas Bombing was just another brutal act by a detached government in Washington and not the goad applied to the North Vietnamese to quickly conclude a peace treaty that would permit Americans to flee Vietnam and pretend they were not defeated there.

America was sick to death of the War and wanted out. All the other parties were perfectly willing to keep playing at America's expense of course. That is what the situation looks like right now in Ukraine and in Gaza. I think Americans are sick of it but since we don't have any skin in the game it is not up to us to once again go in and unilaterally surrender one side to the other. Short of that I'm not sure how far in the hole Ukraine will be forced before it finds a leader who can sue for peace. With Gaza nobody knows and nobody really cares. The whole idea of 'free will' and conscience died aborning in the Middle East in 637 AD. All that is left is Holy War.

By the way, those are truly horrible kinds of wars.

Thursday, July 4, 2024


 Having now lost their own country:

I expect the DHS will have to start ignoring an enormous number of English colonists flocking over our southern and northern borders as they try to get away from the shame of Great Britain and join America.

Poor bastards.


 I am a little happy that the 21st century is beginning to look a little more like what I expected back when I was 20 thanks to Elon Musk and SpaceX. That said I am hawking up a post from roughly this day 11 years year ago. Given the choices the Uniparty is getting away with presenting to us as un fait accompli I think this is much more likely now than not.

For those keen to celebrate in style, an old family recipe we used to serve at Saint Barbara's Day.

This stuff is devastating so I'd urge the appointment of duty or designated drivers if you plan to drive anywhere after quaffing some Artillery Punch.

Have a good and memorable day and think about America in the quiet interludes.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 I am kind of surprised that I have yet to run across the words for any DoD Sources Sought or Request for Proposals for drone defeating technology or technology demonstrators. I don't follow FedBizOps and haven't for more than a decade but I would have thought other bloggers or military types would have put up the language for any such proposals so we could get some idea just how the military plans to defeat drones non-kinetically and to be honest the only way I see to defeat a near infinite number of combat drones is with something that defeats their communication capabilities, disables their geo-location mechanisms or employs directed energy.

Kamikazes are not new and the old methods will surely defeat the unmanned alternatives put up by combatants today but I don't see our warships returning to the days where we bolted crew-served 50 cal, 20mm, 40mm and other dual purpose guns on every available surface. The manning alone would kill current naval budget estimates  that have been based over the last 40 years on squeezing out the number of required sailors at virtually any cost.

I think we are looking at that old favorite of Julian Corbett's and will see nothing but Uncommanded Seas in the future. Obviously this spells the end of the Marine Air Ground Task Force embarked on amphibious ships because the only way to justify that kind of risk is with the stated understanding that the USN is going to enjoy multi-domain superiority over the surface, subsurface and airspace for at least 400 miles in all directions from such vulnerable ships. We won't see that kind of warfare again. 

Yep, I did it. I picked up Red Storm Rising and read through it again. Can you picture our timid leaders risking a BLT, MEU, MAGTF, ARG, MEU-SOC,  Yes, those are all probably obsolete terms for an obsolete concept: Battalion Landing Team, Marine Expeditionary Unit, Marine Air-Ground Task Force, Amphibious Ready Group and Special Ops capable MEU. These are like sailing ships, leftovers from another age of war that has now passed.


 I read this from the slime at the Times and laughed.

It seems that the New York Times is simply incapable of accepting reality and will do anything to twist the facts to fit its idiotic perception of reality. In this case I cannot imagine Israel running out of ammunition. And since all but the most liberal and progressive people living there know that they are involved in an existential war they can probably take comfort in weapons that have never run out of ammunition.I mean that is literally what bayonets are all about.