Monday, May 13, 2024


 I see that our idiot governor Newsom was challenged by some clown in what passes for the news media who asked him just exactly how the state of California spent $24 billion on fixing the homeless problem only to see it significantly worsen over the last 4 years. He didn't do well on his answer but it made me think that he's damn near feral in his appreciation for human values so I'm waiting for some enterprising newshen to find out that all of a sudden the homeless are disappearing from California's cities.

Democrats are tyrants and evil so I'm not sure if the disappeared are going to be found floating 200 miles out at sea, buried in shallow graves in the desert or put on buses to Texas but anyone as depraved as Newsom and California democrats must surely have 'discovered' that if they shipped the homeless somewhere else that they would be SOEPs* and kicking the can down the road a little is just one way to not do anything about the problem. The best way short of actually fixing the problem? Make it someone else's problem.

I'm trying to work out how stupid they will be about a technique that works damn well for Republicans but can only boomerang faster then #me did when democrats try to use it to their advantage. It's one thing to send illegal aliens to Blue states and towns that have formally declared themselves sanctuaries for illegal aliens but not so clever when you're just dumping the dregs of American humanity on unwilling people. I'll be curious to see where they turn up.

*Someone else's problem.


Michael said...

An ever-increasing problem, shift the trouble to some other town.

Cannot avoid the disease spread (TB and Measles anybody?), the use of drugs ever expanding, the crime that follows.

Almost like it was a PLAN to demoralize-damage Red America?

If you threaten or shoot them off with your 2nd Amendment Rights.

Isn't that a series of "Wins" for Commies?

HMS Defiant said...

Yep, sadly it is. I just caught a clip of thug assault and armed robbery in London and the thing that struck me right away was that nobody moved to help because they all know that the cops will charge them if they interfere and it will be money out of their pockets and time out of their lives dealing with killing frustration. I don't like that society.

Michael said...

Oh, you mean like NYC and the "City of brotherly love"? eh?

As Ole Remus used to say: "Stay away from crowds".

HMS Defiant said...

Yep. I was involved in counterterrorism for the last 18 years in the Navy and one of the most important lessons out of that is to, not be there where the bad guys are. There is nothing I want or need out of the former great cities of the world including north America.

Michael said...

I wonder if Ole Remus ever thought our OWN Government would be shipping bad guys into our own country.

Just wait for the "Save Palestinians" move to the USA via that "Humanitarian Dock" we are building for them.

What did Pogo say "We have met the enemy, and he is us?"