Wednesday, May 15, 2024


The results that google shares with me in response to even the most directed search for information that I KNOW is out there and current bears no relationship to the information that I am seeking. This aspect has been getting worse and worse and I periodically shift my search tool away from google and over to duckduck. The problem I have with that since I blog with a google product and many of my co-bloggers do too, is that the google program locks me out of commenting on their blogs. I literally cannot comment on most of them and can only comment as anonymous on the few that google still lets me comment on.

I may have to look for an alternative to google and I'm not sure that Wordpress is the way for me to go.


Mind your own business said...

When I use Google Search, I always assume that they are withholding/eliminating any search results that might have a conservative viewpoint. Which is why I don't use it for anything that I think might have political connotations.

Duke of URL VFM#391 said...

DuckDuckGo works well for me.

Tsquared said...

I have to open a different browser as any replies time out if I am logged into google Chrome.

Matthew W said...

"DuckDuckGo works well for me."

Duck is woke

I use Brave and there are G**gle blogs I can't even reply anonymous.
Wordpress isn't as bad as Blogger, but so far it's still the best free platform.