Wednesday, May 29, 2024


 Just out of curiosity, can you name anything outside of some sports that got better after it was integrated? I'm having trouble coming up with anything myself so I could use some help here just in case I have to explain it someday.


Anonymous said...

No, sports did not get better.

SL said...

Not even sports got better.
Chimp outs etc. they could be wearing
full body suits and you would know which are diverse by the way they act.
The left has elevated one of the worst cultures in history. Disgusting.

elysianfield said...


Duke of URL VFM#391 said...

Baseball, basketball, football, golf... Everything improves when apartheid is deleted. Of course, it goes all to shit again when racism in any color is reimposed - just look at SoAfrica.

Anonymous said...

Electronic circuits?

Integrated circuits are pretty good after all...

HMS Defiant said...
