Our local library had a sale this past weekend and I was there. It was OK but they have had way better books sales but I still didn't come away empty handed. Nearly, but not quite. I had a half dozen items and then I had to stop and think about these two which it turns out were probably the most fascinating. One was old and the other was about events even older.
Amalfi in 1916
The Colosseum from Palatine Hill
The Riviera
The Bridge and Castle Sant' Angelo (fomerly Hadrian's Tomb)
Panorama of Rome from Saint Peter's Dome
They gave away the magazine for nothing and it captures life in the country of our ally in World War I. The ads are simply wonderful. I was surprised that there were no ads for wireless but it was still the realm of radio engineers. KDKA didn't hit the air waves until 1920.
The book is one of Catton's best books on the Civil War and it was nearly priceless at $1.00.
Nobody seems to be interested in history anymore but just look at the magnitude of the changes in 100 years.
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