Friday, March 1, 2024


 I read bit of fluff and laughed because the grown up in me knows that there is literally nothing Trump can do to the Deep State. He cannot fire even one of them because they're all in the Civil Service and therefore untouchable even if they commit felony crimes and anger the people. He can't send them to Adak and nothing Alaska ever did deserves finding itself buried in a sea of incompetent thuggish bureaucrats who seem to occupy every government position from GS-9 up to the SES.

For the little scaredy cats who don't understand that Trump is harmless I'm sure they're plotting like crazy. They forgot the ancient advice about never leaving a live enemy behind them.

On the gripping hand there is always the hope that Trump will come in and tell the top 8 levels of all the bureaucracies that they're redundant and tell them to go home and take away their government cars, their government jets, their government helicopters and all their stationary and mail accounts and let them sue him in Court to return to the office because he can tie them up in court for years and then do what he should have done and just ignored the court.

If rule by decree is good enough for Biden and the left, it is good enough for Trump and I don't care what Alaska wants, there's plenty of room on Adak for at least 59,000 bureaucrats. They'd have to share the telephone and God only knows how they'll keep warm in the winter when we turn the contract for services  to Adak over to Hunter Biden and give him $20.00 to cover them all.


boron said...

not a bad idea; hope he takes your advice

Anonymous said...

A consummation devoutly to be wished. From your lips to God's ears.

Dan said...

I wouldn't say Trump would be harmless. But I'm not sure just how big a dent in the swamp one man, even the President, could ever make. At least legally. And since much of what a President tries to do relies almost entirely on the unelected and generally unfireable bureaucracy his hands would definitely be tied. And he sure as hell can't count on Congress to help...

Barbarus said...

"Promote" all the top grades to "Special Advisor to the President" (a role which would unfortunately carry a very low security clearance and require no travel). Demand from them vast and detailed reports (which are then filed unread). Appoint new leadership to their former positions, with a brief to make similar changes at lower levels as necessary. Finally begin quietly and inattributably briefing the press about the huge numbers of bureaucrats producing reports based on insufficient information and research, which are never read anyway.