Friday, October 22, 2021


I think of it as the swan song for Europe. It sure feels like it. And it's incredibly evocative.


SCOTTtheBADGER said...

MOST IMPRESSIVE! How interesting, to this old, tuba playing Badger, that she makes her embouchure off center, to her right. She certainly can honk a trumpet!

HMS Defiant said...

You know it's the exact kind of thing a music master would obsess about and ignore how brilliantly that kid can play the damn thing as he/she forced her to change the mouth part. Or as you say, embourchere.

SCOTTtheBADGER said...

If it works for her, let her play that way! But as a trumpet player, she will never know something us Sousaphonists know well. As Jean Shepherd, another Sousaphone player once noted, while marching with your Sousaphone, if you head into a strong enough head wind, the Sousaphone plays you!

HMS Defiant said...

she would blow right away. She's almost a stick. She's older now and has a certain gravitas....