Monday, October 11, 2021


We seem doomed to forget history so here's a reminder by Robert W. Munson, Cabrillo National Monument Historian.
Like virtually everywhere else on earth in 1542, this is a slave owning society. In a pre-industrial age, the labor of slaves is an operational necessity. The few black slaves are prisoners of war from North Africa; the bulk of slaves here are Mayan prisoners of war. Remember that although the conquest of Guatemala was officially completed five years ago there are still active Mayan cities holding out in the mountains to the east, and raids and counter-raids are never ending. Do not impose 21st century values. You truly believe the Mayans deserve to be slaves because their refusal to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour means they are obviously minions of the Devil. This does not mean you can’t care about them and treat them kindly (if firmly) as shown by your bringing them salvation through Our Lord. For most Poblados the ratio is one female house slave for every three male field slaves.

This is a Roman Catholic society. There is no other true religion. Any other religion’s adherents are at best decent but woefully misguided people, and at worst full-blown followers of Satan. Heresy is a real threat to humankind. We are doing God’s manifest will. This is demonstrated by the fact that in the very year Their Catholic Majesties King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella completed the Reconquista, 1492, God revealed his next duty for his Catholic people by having Columbus discover the New World. A world languishing in the total darkness of the Devil: paganism, idolatry, human sacrifice, and cannibalism.
I happen to think finding the New World was the most significant event in history and all those who think that society is judged solely by its adherence or failure to adhere to modern norms of the white middle class are stupid and ignorant. Just look at the norms espoused by those who despise Columbus and all that came after him. These are the same people practicing infanticide, child slavery, prostitution, sex-trafficking, narcotics dealing and mass murder in the streets of every major democrat run city in North America. Who in the hell cares what they think?

Have a Happy Columbus Day!

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