As I predicted, the idiots wearing black have decided that they have the mighty power of barring anyone in America from performing any action that they have their hate on about and so a judge today ordered that no political appointee has the power to let anyone including themselves look at anything the career civil servants don't want them to see.
Well, now we see if President Trump and his lawyers play that game or opt for the new game of lawfare.
"That's a mighty fine looking decision you got there Judge Evil but we don't think it applies to us so we plan to just ignore you from now on but if you are really serious about it then you just appeal our actions right on up to the next Court and see how that plays out because Homey doesn't play your stupid game anymore and invites you to just go shoot yourself."
"We no longer intend to allow any single Judge in this country or any other country to overturn the rule of Law and the Constitutional Powers allocated to each branch of government."
I think this is a good thing because it means that the agonizing process of slowly working through the Courts themselves to get to the real decision is now left entirely up to the Courts and if they don't want to push it to the next level then they obviously weren't serious about it or know that they were totally wrong in their decision and behavior and their own stamp marks them for the intemperate and stupid morons that they really are. And, too, the Supreme Court can obviously step in and Act as they are empowered to act by the Constitution but again, we are going to play by some new rules where the Will of the People enjoys and Equal Playing Field and Nobody just invites the People to get lost without showing due process.
The left has routinely ignored judicial rulings they don't like. What's good enough for them can certainly work for Trump. Use the lefts "rules"... which they apply or ignore as desired...against them.
They have no standing.
Judicial needs to stay away from internal Executive operations unless they want Executive scrutiny of internal Judicial operations.
Once the Epstein files are released quite a few of the "Men in Black" including the Supreme Court folks will be removed from office.
Seems even Roberts partook of the evil. Or at least his name was on the flight manifests often enough.
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