Thursday, February 6, 2025


Here in metroparkcentralis they are closing some of the schools on account of flu outbreaks. I laughed when I heard this because it sure sounds like the people in charge of educating don't ever learn anything. As I was thinking what a disaster the schools reaction to the covid was I thought back to my days long ago when we were still either rushing out of the class to take up positions along the walls for an atomic bomb nearby or hiding under our desks for the same kind of attack and it occurs to me now that I never questioned that if by some wonderful fluke we survived the bomb, school would resume the next day and teachers would demand to know why you didn't turn in your homework.

On the other hand, my aged parents were hit with the NORO virus last week while my sister was visiting them. It evidently slashed its way throughout their complex laying low many of the retired folks living there.


Anonymous said...

Nora virus left my mom unable to feed herself after 20 years of dementia. She could not talk, but she liked What a burger and a milk shake. She suffered another 9 months. She could always live with less. That is why the call pneumonia the old man’s friend. I fear her dementia so a started smoking my pipe again after 30 years of not smoking. That is my plan to beat dementia. Tom

HMS Defiant said...

The older I get the less I desire to live to be very old. I somehow got to reading about Chester Nimitz, the younger yesterday. He had a plan. On the gripping hand, I quit smoking 22 years ago and as I look at the prices today I don’t know how anybody can afford to smoke. :)

Anonymous said...

I buy my pipe tobacco from LJ Perttie in Boston. $87.50 a pound for London Flake, no taxes, no shipping. They have been using the same cutting table sine 1860. A pound of pressed wood flake lasts me 2 moths. You can find great old Dunhill pipes for $200-400. They are as good as a pre-depression Winchester 52. Tom