I am weary of all the countries around the world that want to wrestle us into submission by claiming that they are great allies of ours and yet have not demonstrably proved it anytime in the last 50 years. "Oh," they exclaim, loudly, repeatedly, "we are great NATO allies and have to stick together in order to defeat our common enemy de jour." The ones in Asia are somewhat less irritating because we don't really have any allies over there that I know about other than the ROK and they manifest a great willingness to actually stand up on their own two feet and do the work that needs doing unlike the losers in NATO.
There were several votes in the UN today along strict party lines, The United States of America deftly balanced with no support at all from the usual NATO losers got not one single NATO ally to go on record supporting the latest UN Security Council resolution sponsored by the United States. Not one of them voted for it.
Well you might ask, what was the damned thing anyway? Good question. Simply put, "the Council implored a swift end to the conflict and urged a lasting peace between Ukraine and the Russian Federation and the United States representative said that the Council stands on “the precipice of history with a solemn task – creating conditions to end the bloodiest war on the European continent” since the organ was created in June 1945. Noting that her country’s draft text is “a symbolic, simple first step towards peace”, she added that it is not a peace deal. Rather, it represents a path to peace, and she urged all Council members to join the United States in vanquishing the scourge of this war."
The blue members of the UN Security Council voted to give peace a chance. All the red countries abstained in a snit.
Algeria China Russia
Denmark Slovenia France United Kingdom Greece
Guyana Pakistan Panama Republic of Korea Sierra Leone Somalia
We literally cannot get our putative NATO allies to put their pants on and come to work and support the United States on anything at all but every time I turn around there they are demanding to be taken seriously because they claim us as allies. Idiots in the media have been letting them get away with this since long before we and the USSR signed the INF Treaties and START trying to curb European enthusiasm for surrendering immediately to communism.
There is a reason as old as NATO for why nobody on this part of the North American continent takes European leaders seriously when it comes to Russia. They have proven over and over again that they are too stupid to deal honestly with the Russians and the Russians have really come to resent it. We're starting to resent it too.
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