Since yesterday was a day of predicted stormy weather and looming ice and snow disaster we decided that the time was ripe for us to head to Pittsburgh and attend a meeting of the Art. The Artist had a very good time and the scary weather that was predicted was a complete no-show until very near the end of the journey there and back again. Two hours after leaving Pittsburgh we got to our highway exit and detoured one mile to get some of the best Rita's Italian Ice and custard anywhere and it was there, while waiting to put in our order in the drive through lane that the skies finally opened and commenced a downpour of ice and snow. In the 10 minutes we waited to order and take delivery the ice covered the roads.
We did it for Art and we enjoyed it. It was once quite predictable that every single time we drove to Pittsburgh it would snow or there would be rain so hard you couldn't see the road but this time our journey was untroubled by weather and to give you some idea how that worked out,
I ate that large Italian black wild cherry with vanilla custard gelati with a spoon while driving up 271 in snowy icy arctic conditions with scores of other drivers and didn't spill a drop on my shirt or in the car. Such is the mighty scale of my life that the lists of my victories are so littered with such major achievements. Your mileage may vary.
it appears that the gods of Art smiled upon thee and thine
They are much kinder and better disposed then are critics.
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