Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 I read this morning that the Senate has decided to delay approval of President Trump's Attorney General and perhaps some cabinet secretaries and I think they are so stuck in last time thinking that they failed to comprehend that President Trump was way ahead of their idiocy and intransigence this time around and to me it looks a lot like The Roll Up to Baghdad. The people he appointed Acting Directors and such are moving forward with all speed to implement his policies right now and nobody is waiting for Senate approval of his nominees. There are people sitting in those offices right now executing every single one of the policies that his Executive Orders are putting in place and idiots who think they can outflank Trump in the Senate and screw him over there by putting up roadblocks to Confirmation are just as stupid as stupid can be.

President Trump is eviscerating the entrenched racism, sexism and bigotry that previous governments thought would be a good idea along the same lines as funding research into "gain of function research in killer virus in order to allow it to spread to humans" and other well thought out things like trying to touch lightning or stop a speeding bullet with your thumb.

The Acting Director of OMB is following up gloriously to let the idiots in Congress know that there is no stopping the signal and that the message is going to get through. 

 The amusing thing is that the bureaucrats don't think that the signal or the message applies to them.

 There are people out there in the Civil Service and infinite treeline known as the federal bureaucracy that don't think that the rules or the law apply to them. They really believe the myth that it is impossible to fire a federal employee. 

I'd set up the Office of Relocated Civil Arrogant Servants too Stupid to Quit at the former Naval Base at Adak. There was room for 90,000 troops there in World War II so I'm sure there's plenty of accommodations and it has a killer view.


Anonymous said...

Well we were just informed by the previous administration that China is a serious threat (who knew???) so it would seem imperative to more these valuable government officials to a region close to China so as to more closely monitor the threat.

boron said...

and all this time I was thinking that Sturge Island needed populating

boron said...

"When dealing with contagious people, the most important thing is to isolate them from others to prevent further spread of the illness..."

Anonymous said...

How about sending them to inspect lichen on rocks found around arctic weather stations. Important work that someone needs to do.

Dan said...

To date those Fed employees and civil servants HAVE been untouchable, unfireable and pretty much above the law. And until Trump proves otherwise that reality

Anonymous said...

Adak is, if I remember correctly, in the Aleutian islands.of Alaska.

Anonymous said...

There is precedent, Reagan fired the ATC staff in the 1980's.