Saturday, January 18, 2025


One of the things becoming clearer to the people is that California is a diseased State that needs to be cut off the body politic and also treated as an enemy State in all other matters. The absolute refusal of anybody in the State at any level in California to address the very real ongoing and always been going on catastrophic situation with regard to domestic fire insurance needs to be addressed by the Feds because the idea that the entire rest of the nation needs to underwrite and subsidize millionaire California homeowners house insurance is just wrong at every level.

They know the State burns, the buildup of fuels is responsible for the widespread devastation from even natural fires much less the ones laid all over the place all the time by the have-nots that know they can burn down their enemy's houses and get away with murder and still they won't do anything about it or reduce the risks and damage. Well that's no reason to saddle the rest of us with higher premiums when they are not playing by the rules we all accepted. If they don't want to play by the rules then FORBID their insurance companies from offering insurance in any other states or turn it around and forbid any insurance company that offers homeowner fire policies in the other 49 states from offering any such policies in California.

This is in everybody's interests.

Epstein didn't kill himself and when do we see the formal list of the names of all the bigwigs that partied on his island pedo colony? That is also in our interest since it's long passed the time when degenerates like that should have any say in our government or policy and hiding the names just makes people suspect all of them of being degenerates.


Michael said...

Sorry to say I suspect most American voters have forgotten Epstein and the Pedo Island.

Propaganda and constant bombardment of factoids do that to a lot of folks I know.

Anonymous said...

My friend in Sunnyvale ca pats $2800 a year on a million house. I pay $4000 on a $500k house. No sympathy.

Boneman said...

Insurance has become a shell game. My premium on my waterfront home in Cape Coral FL went from $7K annually to $14K annually on renewal after Hurricane Ian. You bet your ass I sold. And that's is a WELL MANAGED state when it comes to disaster recovery.