Friday, January 31, 2025


 General Milley is in real trouble because he took the pardon Joe Biden offered and with that comes the acceptance that Miley’s behavior as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was criminal and certainly, Other Than Honorable and any officer can easily be separated from the service at the pay grade in which he last served honorably. For Milley that might be the rank he held 40 years ago.


RHT447 said...

From your keyboard to the judge's gavel.

Stefan said...

Recall to active duty, demoted to lowest comissioned rank, placed in charge of Fort Dry Piles (Wyoming, Population One (1)), responsible for collecting and cataloguing lizard scat and evaluating why the most unpopular MRE is unpopular by subsisting solely on it. Pension eligibility reset to start again.

tsquared said...

Treason is not pardonable.