Tuesday, January 21, 2025


 There is a lot of action but one act that signifies the enormous difference between this President and the 45th President is that this one took office in no mood to take any prisoners or give anyone the benefit of the doubt.

The Acting Secretary of Homeland Security has fired the incompetent Commandant of the Coast Guard.

I saw his list of Acting Leaders and wondered how much authority they each thought they would take into the Acting Leadership Office and this pretty much answers that question.  There will be no repeat of last time when President Trump was blinded to the complete lack of integrity and ethics in the senior leadership of our government agencies, departments and services. Not this time. He knows them for what the are.


elysianfield said...

Yes, and the fact that someone tried to kill him...twice, should put him on notice that he has few friends in Government.. Act accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Tried 3 times: don't forget the mar-a-logo raid with shoot to kill orders.

Anonymous said...

"Get Some...!"

Dan said...

After what the left/swamp did to him for the last 4 years I wouldn't expect Trump to be particularly magnanimous this time. If he's smart he will go scorched earth on everyone who gets in his way and everyone who tried to destroy him. Anything less would be craven weakness.