From now until the end of time any and all hostile questions from liberals and progressives can be answered by referring to the Biden Crime Family and how they all dodged jail on Biden's last gasp in office. I do kind of wonder how many of his pardons are all Top Secret and cannot be shown to people but nevertheless cover all the CIA, NSA, FBI, and other classified scum that have been misruling this country for the last 4 years.
Every appearance by any sane person on a TV show or with the hosts and guests at NPR, PBS, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc can all begin by asking, "so how about all those Biden Family crime pardons, what do you think of them? What do you suppose they are all guilty of?" "Is criminality really hereditary?
I'm not one for dissembling but it is sure nice to be able to return every hostile blast with a, "what about the criminal jackass Fauci getting pardoned, what do you think he did that was so evil and wrong that he deserved an unconditional pardon from Joe Biden?"
The next 10 to 20 years will be interesting. I wonder if at some point the spluttering will stop.
Anybody seen Mumia's long awaited and undeserved pardon for killing a policeman? Me neither, I guess he wasn't black enough to merit a pardon from the predator-president who bested ole CornPop back in the days when girls were still admiring the hairs on his legs. You know, that or someone used it to blot up some spilled and melted vanilla ice cream from somewhere...
Say! You don't suppose this is going to be like elections in democratic precincts where pardons are like ballots that keep turning up weeks after its supposed to be all over, do you?
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Well, there is this--
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