Tuesday, January 28, 2025


 I've been doing this for awhile and sometimes I spend a day or so writing, rereading and not posting as I think about the posts I've just drafted. The numbers seem to be increasing in all directions and I wonder why. I occasionally touch on some of the darker aspects of life and the possible futures we have in front of us and some of those drafts are bleaker than I care to share but this is getting a little ridiculous especially when I consider that I periodically go through and cull the draft population back down to a reasonable number. 

 This is ridiculous. There's been 10 in the last 5 days that are just sitting there ready to go.


Zarba said...

Publish them. We know the wide truth, buy you supply the details.

boron said...

a lot of us look forward every AM to your homilies

Anonymous said...

Publish them under 'disconnected observations' or some such moniker without a visible blurb. Believe me when I tell you that your posts are more reasoned and though provoking than a most of what I read on the web.

Unknown said...

We're big boys. We can handle the truth. Actually, I think many of us look forward to your ramblings. Do it!