You know the internet that I read parts of has many examples of the Question. There is the one that asks about the Country and how we reached this place we are in now where if you look at it you really do have to ask yourself, if someone had deliberately set out to destroy the education system, prosperity, employment opportunities and the economy and wreck our aircraft building industry, what else could they possibly do to make it worse given all they've done to date?
You can pretty much ask the same Question of California: destroy the agricultural economy, roll back the dams and reservoirs, go woke with extreme prejudice and hatred for white everything, forbid the clearing of brush from around houses and property, get the insurance companies to simply cancel all insurance policies because insurance is not a suicide pact and everybody except Californians know that and the usual destruction of jobs, education, opportunity, way of life and importing millions of no-skill immigrants and terrorists all of whom know how to make a fire and you wonder, what else could Californians and their elected officials do to make it even more destructive and horrible in California? Yeah, I know, unleash another plague or two on them and that should do the trick.
The problem as I see it is that only about 1% of Californians have opened their eyes and begun to see the truth all around them and they're mostly wiped out and leaving the state where most of them will do their damnedest to make what happened in California happen in Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Alabama. I mean just look what they did to San Francisco, Oakland, LA, Santa Monica....
See, I remember reading Latitude 38 for many years when I lived in SOCAL and I thought the state had gone thoroughly insane back then in 1988. I had only a little concern that it could get worse. Wow was I wrong. It might be time to read those books by Kurt Schlicter.
The funny thing? Reread The Grapes of Wrath and wonder at the people who did all those horrible things to the Okies, now ruling the State with ambitions to rule them all. Kind of makes you wonder if any of Bradbury's Firemen are out there running around full time now in coastal California where the 5% think nobody can get at them because of the magic they find in living west of the 5.
Wait for Santa Ana winds boys and make ready your fires. Those are the people that did this to California. It really is surprising to me that none of the twits thought that the people would fight back in the only ways left to them. Of course, revolution is always a bit of a surprise to the ruling class. It is kind of funny though with the rulers telling the poor burnt out people that the fires that got out of control were set by lost hunters who were trying to get rescued. NOBODY ever points out that sometimes there is a whole fire line where some people have kindled dozens of fires all along a front to let the wind driven flames tear apart the communities located on the wrong side of the 5. Nobody cared about anybody east of the 5 and it always showed.
In the past whenever the ruling elite felt threatened they called out the thugs to protect them. They have dried up that near endless well of people willing to beat on other people for them and now all that is left is a muzzled and muted law enforcement bunch that really don't contribute anything at all to public safety anymore so it will be, as they say, interesting times.
And the pity is that the escapees are in fact plague vectors. We saw this in happening in real-time in Colorado. And don't forget the second part of "May you live in interesting times" which is "And may you come to the attention of the authorities."
For thirty years I lived far west of I-5. The north coast of San Luis Obispo County to be exact. What was rural, still is but in isolated pockets, is now infected with city rats and attitudes from LA mostly, SF to a lesser extent.
The county, large but rural, had too few to be it's own district so was politically thrown in with the barbarian true blue communists of Santa Barbara County. SBP conservatives hadn't a chance.
In 2006 I left the state for work for nearly four years. When I came back I could hardly believe the stupid bond issues voted in and moonbeam back in office. I lingered for several more years to monkey wrench the state government. Came the day I could not withstand their continual sleight of hand.
To this day I believe CA has more conservatives than do some states. But they get drowned out. Fifth, sixth, seventh Gen ranchers just cannot pick up and skedaddle as much as they want to. So they hang tough in their dwindling enclave.
I have observed a common tactic among the commie newcomers; to get elected to any position, then to work to form alliances.
Oh yeah, I remember now. One year in the 1990s featured sixteen wildfires in a period of two months. Of course arson. It turned out it was a fire chief from one of the cities in the Los Angeles area. One of those fires grew to be over 60k acres. Homes and outbuildings and livestock lost.
I was at a dinner party. A gal my wife worked with at the city was the host. Her husband came in late, just off shift as a motorcycle cop. A couple of other cops were there so their conversation turned to recounting their dirty deeds. I was shocked they would openly brag of how they played with drivers. An example was the motorcycle cop telling how he'd cause fender benders then find fault and write tickets. And they laughed about it. I was disgusted.
I suspect this is just how the war between the street transients and the property owners plays out. The homeless mentally ill set fires to burn out the property owners or force evacuations, making large swaths of neighborhoods open to looting.
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