If you wondered about how one goes about cleaning house at the Pentagon and getting rid of the thoroughly incompetent and antagonistic generals running that place keep in mind that all their boss in the Chain-of-Command has to do is announce that he has lost confidence in their ability to lead and relieve them of their commands and positions. There is no requirement at all to find that they have committed any crime or misdemeanor because all that they have used now for decades in order to get rid of commanding officers is to pronounce that the flag officer has lost confidence in that other officer's ability to lead.
Simple as that really.
You can also sack all of them for being racist disobedient assholes because every single one of them worships DEI and promotes based on nothing but race and sex but there's no reason to get all vindictive and run them through the 'military discipline' nonsense. Relieve them and send them home. If you believe they cannot simply get the message and resign, offer them exciting new command opportunities in Adak, Alaska or Midway.
Sadly, I lost my own Petard in a boating accident....
The trick is removing the useless waste of skin without rendering the military incapable of proper functioning. You know the CCP is waiting for such an opportunity to act to expand their sphere of power.
By the time they reach O-6 they have their time in for retirement. Or give them the same PT test that enlisted must do and enforce weight standards.
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