Monday, December 2, 2024


 Join me in the hushed rooms that the power elite slither into when they want to discuss grave and troubling matters like the good of the Party where we join the conspirators as they shake out their robes and rattles and breathe the Secret Words and bow down before the Dark Altar and signal their allegiance to the powers below and tell that idiot Joe Biden that he must not use his power of the Pardon to spare his son the punishment his acts have earned and he must refrain from doing so for the Good of the Party!

I guess addled and mean spirited and angry as Hell Joe wasn't going to think about the good of the Party after their rooting and backstabbing destruction of his 50 years of dark loyalty to evil men and evil deeds and decided that the Party could go hang itself. He'd give them the rope.

"Unexpectedly, President Joe Biden pardons his only remaining son of the tiny handful of crimes the Justice Department didn't let cross over the Statute of Limitations Event Horizon along with the vast bulk of his crimes and deviant behavior." Joe was heard to mutter darkly, "fuck 'em, we hates them all....."

U P D A T E - - -

Does anyone have eyes on Joe Biden's brother, the other major criminal in the partnership between Joe  and Hunter? I suspect he is hyperventilating about being left to pay for all the crimes they all committed over the last 30 years or he's already dead. I mean I didn't hear anything about a pardon for him, yet.

Y E T  A N O T H E R U P D A T E - - - -

Has anyone considered Hunter's take on his conviction? "Oh hey there dad, I just thought I'd call and let you know if you don't pardon me pronto I'm going to spill the beans on every single scam and scheme we have been a party too and every dime of money that you got from your 10%s on everything your administration sent to Zelensky. In short, if I go to prison, so do you!"


elysianfield said...

HMS Defiant said...

The really significant thing is that he pardoned Hunter for EVERYTHING that he has done since 2014 to yesterday. That's a massive number of crimes and anybody else facing justice should simply ask the State, "how am I any different from Hunter Biden and less deserving then he is/was?"

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! President Biden just allowed Hunter to be interrogated about all of the crimes that have been committed by his family!!!

Fredrick said...

Hunter's lawyer will have him take the fifth and claim there's a Delaware law he might be subject to. Have fun with the contempt of court case.

Zarba said...

Joe will pardon his brother before he leaves office. Count on it.

The pundits have no clue just how pissed off Joe and Jill are at their party for throwing them overboard just when they were on the cusp of a generational-wealth grift during his 2nd term.

The Biden’s will happily burn them all to the ground on their way out. That they can watch from their beach house while Donald Fucking Trump grinds them into dust is just icing on the cake.