Saturday, December 7, 2024


 When you look at the broad sweep of history you kind of point to the 7th of December 1941 and say that perhaps the greatest mistake Japan ever made was attacking the United States at Pearl Harbor. Then you turn around and see that not to be outdone, Adolph Hitler stupidly declared war on the United States 4 days later and you scratch your head and ponder the sheer bloody stupidity of your real fascists and socialists and you feel better that the Lord has just given us little fascist squirts like Pelosi, Biden and Harris to worry about. We are truly blessed.

Honor the memory of all those who perished on this day in 1941 and sacrificed everything they had to give in the war that followed and while you're at it, keep the men and women out there right now in the Red Sea and all around the world serving in the United States Armed Forces in your thoughts and prayers. They are engaged in a great struggle that you seldom ever hear about and yet it is every bit as real and dangerous as a Sunday morning in Pearl Harbor all those years ago.


SCOTTtheBADGER said...

Getting into a war with a country that has 48% of the world's industrial potential, that you have made very, very angry with you is generally thought to be a rather bad idea.

Al_in_Ottawa said...

There was some method to Hitler's madness. All of Britain's petroleum and a lot of food came up the Eastern Seaboard staying in neutral waters within 12 miles of the shore. The U-boat captains called this the "second happy time" because they sank so many ships. If Britain had been starved into submission, there would have been no place to launch the invasion of France from.

Anonymous said...

I was part of that many decades ago. Little thought of and little concern from the gummint that sent us into harm's way. I am glad I am now out of it. Just too bad while I was there, we did not get the job done. It was all lost and few years later after we left.