Friday, December 6, 2024


 It has been so for a long time but it looks like now everyone can see the final demise of the United Arab Republic many long painful years after it was swept away by the forces of nationalism and military discontent. It's kind of amusing to see the first fruit of arab nationalism swept away by the new islamic caliphate. I don't think the new caliphate will last much longer than the the UAR. It's always better to be the caliph then the second deputy under-assistant caliph and frankly, these people don't play well together.

I don't actually know what will bring about the dissolution of the new caliphate and since I don't have any family or interests in that end of the Mediterranean or even in the larger Middle East, I don't really care. The flames have only started to leak out of the catastrophe we ignited in Iraq when we destroyed the Baathist Party and all its leaders in our effort to get rid of Hussein. It was men like Hussein that actually kept the damned caliphate at bay and with the men like him, Pahlavi, Qadaffi, and Mubarak gone there is really nothing to keep the lid on the islamic caliphate nuts and everyone in Persia and the Ottoman Empire is urging them to unite under the black and green banner.

That of course means direct conflict with the Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques and that doesn't really mean as much as it used to because despite the man's competence at many things the one thing the Kingdom lacks is any sort of military power at all. It literally could not stop one of our BLTs from taking Mecca or Riyadh, if, of course, we still had anything like a Battalion Landing Team or Marine Expeditionary Unit.

The current rulers of the Gulf Cooperative Council know that their options are few and they may in fact be out of them. Historically they looked for muscle to places like Pakistan but I'm afraid Pakistan is pretty far down the road towards islamania and I don't think I'd trust the Pakistanis with machine guns if I was ruling the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain or Qatar. The ruler of Qatar thinks he's riding the tiger and leading it on the path he has chosen. I have bad news for him.

What's the bad news you wonder. Well, the same kind of mind and mindset that undertook destroying the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan are running the show now however much the people at al Jazeera wish it wasn't. We literally have 8th century barbarians running amok throughout Asia Minor and the Middle East and the strong men that once held them in check by throwing their leaders into prisons or killing them have all been struck down. Let's be honest, young Assad is no match at all for his brother or father and frankly, I'm surprised Dr. Assad has survived as long as he has. 

I am impressed at how all these various rebels, takfiri, terrorists, islamists and so forth all seem to be able to get their hands on an inexhaustible supply of weapons and ammunition. Any other military in the world runs out of ammo and weapons the instant we turn our back on them but the really evil people in the middle east and Africa always have plenty of both. Who is giving them these guns and ammo? Why does the supply never dry up? What cargo ships call at these ports in Eritrea, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon and always seem to be stuffed with free ammunition?

Well, I suspect the fine hand of Viktoria Nuland and all of her little friends in the CIA and USAID are responsible for a lot of it and then there's all the playful little spymaster gurus in Britain, France, Italy and Germany that like to play on the world stage but haven't had a military or foreign heft up to the task since they bizarrely created the Suez Crisis of 1956. And let us not forget the one people and ruler that we have deliberately antagonized almost from day one when he took over as President of the Russian Federation. 

There is an old old saying that runs, never leave a live enemy behind you and never do a terrible injury to someone and leave him alive in your wake, and never ever corner a man with no way out and no options.....or you know, words to that effect. People keep persisting in seeing our problems strictly from our singular point of view. It's how the news media became so useless in this country and the West; they always look out for number one and hide any of their crimes and misdemeanors under a blanket so you can't really see what is going on. We really need to maintain a focus on how the other side sees the thing. We used to call it open source intel and it was helpful because it did let you see how other's think.

Imagine watching as the liberal left explodes and runs away to hide from anybody telling them what they don't want to hear or to believe and you see where governments can fall into the same trap. All too often, the information was there to see in plain sight but nobody was interested in looking. The real events in the middle east may simply be leading to a period of heightened tension and make the place uniquely inviting to the idiots that proselytize the faith among islamists or want to ride a bicycle through the streets of Palmyra. We don't have to look or care what happens to them unless we want to. We could always just leave it alone to simmer for awhile. 

Still, I'll be curious to see how the Kurds resolve their Turkish problem......


Dan said...

If the raghead camel bumpers would just stick to islamic fratricide it really wouldn't matter. Unfortunately they have designs on exporting their murderous insanity to the entire planet. That means we can't simply ignore them. And yes, many kf he moro s in power

Fredrick said...

"all the playful little spymaster gurus in Britain, France, Italy and Germany that like to play on the world stage"
Yes, there is a lot of help for the Borg, especially from the people who gave us the White Helmets.