Saturday, December 14, 2024


 I don't even have to look and yet I know there are memes of AOC giving Pelosi a little help in Luxembourg because who doesn't want to help such a fine upstanding citizen who has devoted her life to stealing every dime possible from decades of public service. She gives life to the expression, "knows where the bodies are buried," because she probably supervised their disposal. All of them. 

I wonder if she has anything like the kill ratio the Clinton's racked up among their friends, lawyers, business partners and acquaintances. As far as I know, nobody still alive ever looked into it.

Still, as the ruin that is Biden slowly oozes out of office it is nice to know that Nancy will soon follow.


RHT447 said...

My guess is that any kill ratio took place under father's reign in Baltimore. Once they moved to California, they were able to buy their way into power, with the help of folks like Willie Brown and Bob Mullholand.

Anonymous said...

She orchestrated the whole scam protecting cap police lt Byrd from murder charge of Ashli Babbit. Details coming out now about how he was treated like royalty.

boron said...

Biden oozes as Nancy slithers

Dan said...

PeeLousy may live forever because she sure isn't going to heaven and hell won't have her. Lucifer probably believes she would try and take over.

tsquared said...

People that brake a hip in a fall usually pass away within a year or two.

Next up is Maxine Waters to make some good news.