Tuesday, December 17, 2024


 It’s obvious to all of us that massive amounts of money changed hands as the secret Democratic lapdogs drew up the lists of names of scumbags who were pardoned or had their sentences commuted by dismal joe Biden in his last months of sentience. Do those idiots really think we’re going to just ignore that and not hound them into Hell for their criminal behavior? They do know they’re dealing with Donald Trump don’t they?


Dan said...

All those who received pardons should be subpoenaed and forced to testify, under penalty of perjury, all the detar of the crimes they were party to. Once you receive a pardon you can no longer "plead the Fifth". You MUST testify... truthfully.

Anonymous said...

Lol the truth is not in them. Lies are like breathing to them.

Dan said...

If they lie...under oath....lock them up. After the first couple get a few years for perjury the rest will get the message.

HMS Defiant said...

The problems of course lie in two major areas. One, we're dealing with the scum of the earth. Two, even if we could trust the scum of the earth working at DOJ and FBI to follow up we know the other scum won't be honest or forthcoming and let's be honest now. The FBI and DOJ have had every scrap of digital data and video from Epstein's Island in their vaults for years now and has anybody been arrested or even questioned about raping little kids there? So you see that avenue is really closed to us.

Wilson said...

They will just use the clinton "I don't recall" .