Friday, April 5, 2024


 I wonder what form of asymmetric nuclear attack platform will be used to incinerate parts of Iran? I haven’t really looked into their version of our SSBN and have no idea if they possess long range missiles. 

I also wonder if the US is positioning forces to reflect such a strike on the real axis of evil.

There is nothing so awful in the world today that it cannot be made infinitely worse by ‘decisive’ actions from the likes of Biden, Harris, Austin and Blinken.

It is probably not a good time to fly or visit DC and our whipping city.

And what irks me is that I’ve really been looking for some positive news to reflect on here. 


boron said...

"And what irks me is that I’ve really been looking for some positive news to reflect on here. "
Since Joseph Robinette Jr. declared war on Valdimir Valdimirovich I'm afraid I can't be of any help.

Dan said...

Israel possesses by estimates 100-200 warheads. Be kind of pointless to build that many and not have a way of delivering them. I suspect that Israel has the capability of striking pretty much any target it feels that it needs to hit. And in multiple manners of delivery.
The problem of course is once that genie is out of the bottle it's probably not going to go back in. We will have crossed a Rubicon into a place we REALLY don't want to go.

HMS Defiant said...

And you nail the issue. It may well be a place we don't want to go but we seem to have no compunction anymore about leaving others with no alternatives. I think all but the stupidest 5% of Israelis have figured out that the rulers of Iran are existential enemies not just to the state of Israel but to Jews. Everyone knows very well now what happens when you fight an enemy but regard that enemy's homeland as sacrosanct.
People today, who know, seem to think that war to the knife and extermination of enemies is just a thing of the past. I wonder how they think the war in Yugoslavia turned so bitter so fast and how fleeting peace really is in the history of the world.
WE used to think that only the Kim's were crazy enough to use nuclear weapons but these days I'm leaning more to the idea that American democrats won't hesitate if thwarted anywhere or the mullahs. The obvious one with way too much to lose is Putin who won't push the button anymore than France, Britain, Germany, Japan, South Korea or India. The Chinese have a very good thing and wouldn't dream of going to nukes even if invaded but it is kind of inconceivable to think anyone could/would invade China. Besides, they more than dabble in biowar now so that'll be their go-to for dealing with enemies of the regime.