How could the rethuglicans in Congress permit the hard left communists and freaks to take $40 billion of our tax dollars every single year and use it to fund every single posse of extreme leftists, communists, devil worshipers and other democrats and ALL of their so-called news organizations and outlets and then turn around and ask us every 5 minutes to donate money to their reelection campaigns? How?
Is the FCC going to go after every one of the scumbags who did this and nail them for interference in elections over the last 50 years or are we going to allow this one to pass too?
Every single sitting and former member of the House and Senate Republican Party owes all of us a formal apology followed by a ritual disemboweling on the steps of the Capital. This is not mere stupidity run amok, this is every single one of those scumbags thinking they could pull the wool over our eyes forever and get away with it and damned if they haven't one more time because they know we won't deal with them as we should. We leave the murder and mayhem to the democrats and that's all we can hope for now if we want justice. The lunatics let go from running the bureaucracy are now out on the street without a dime and are suddenly contemplating how they're going to get even and discovering the 10 day waiting period is a monstrous and unconstitutional infringement on their rights!
You know, it might be a good idea to consider your situational awareness a bit more carefully in the coming weeks since the democrats and other weak-minded terrorists always lash out against the most harmless looking creatures. Carry a big stick or something when you go out.
I hear people talk about the numbers coming out of DOGE and the incontestably evil USAID and they mutter loudly that it's like less than 1% man and that all means nothing. DOGE is working it's way through them all and I suspect each and every other bureaucratic swamp is more corrupt and massive than even the most woke at USAID ever imagined. They're going to turn up $trillions in HHS that was simply funneled straight into the bank account of the most evil thieves. The prisons in El Salvador will need to double in size every month to hold all the villains that have been ripping us off to the tune of trillions and trillions of dollars and we haven't even started auditing the Defense contractors.
Have you noticed that about the only politicians on the right that do anything for America are the ones routinely slandered by the left?
3rd paragraph 1st sentence:
good idea, but this still leaves bereft of the many $ I paid into this government-approved funding scheme.
in no way do blood & guts replenish my bank account
What is so bad about the super max prisons in Venezuela? Two meals a day, a warm place to sleep, and I hear the sex is great.... When you hear "Jesus loves you"...get ready!
Slavery is not illegal if it is punishment for a crime. Every single one of these grifters can be put to work for the rest of their natural lives doing the field work and meat processing the illegals used are doing now. They already got paid with the money they stole from us and our children.
@elysianfield. El Salvador, not Venezuela.
The GOP is the cuck spineless shield of the criminal communist left. They are the Washington Generals to the lefts Globetrotters. Virtually ALL of them, on both sides, belong in prison....or twitching at the end of a rope. And while Trump and his associates are making a dent in their cabal of evil the corruption is SO deep and endemic I suspect the only true solution is to burn it all down, execute thousands of them and start over.
It's time to review. In porn, a cuck is a man who likes to watch his wife be fornicated by another man. A Cuckservative is a conservative politician who likes to watch his constituents get fornicated by another party.
Situational awareness indeed ...
"The old contemptibles" was the name the British army gave itself during WWI. Myth has it that Kaiser Wilhelm II gave an order to exterminate Gen French's "contemptible little army", the six divisions of career soldiers that formed the British Expeditionary Force in August 1914.
Please use a different phrase to describe the spineless, corrupt, treasonous bastards in your government so you don't tarnish the heroes of Ypres.
The British Army seems to be at the bottom of the black hearts of loathing from some of the very best people in Europe. I saw that label was the first cite by wikipedia when I wrote it but remember too that lady astor is said to have enquired about all the D-Day Dodgers and I liked the tune enough to hunt it down back in 1997 when I heard a snippet on the radio in my car and it was sung by one of the worst Americans.
I think they are both wonderful appellations for some of the best by some of the worst and so "worth remembering."
When I was born the Civil War was just getting started 100 years earlier and as a boy in Carlisle I saw ranks of Doughboys marching in the 4th of July parades. It is remarkable to me, and so I remark on it, that students today at ANY level in school or college could not tell you when WWI began or who fought in it and which side they were on. Same for the Civil War or really any history unless it has some feint snap of black or gay history. I dislike that.
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