There has been an enormous explosion in drone technology and a massive decrease in cost since we are now talking about one-way attack drones. While my first thought on the subject 15 years ago was that they would inevitably be used by terrorists and other democrats against politicians they don't like, it occurs to me after reading an article on how leftist all 'tech-bros' are that there is another perfectly acceptable use for one-way attack drones and that would be to use them against antifa terrorists and the idiots from blm and Mexico that like to play in the street and block traffic. By all accounts attack drones are ubiquitous and impossible to stop or track down so it seems they would make the perfect modern alternative to what street rioters need the most; a whiff of canister and grape shot.
When you think about it, point detonating fuzes aren't that hard to make.
And you know, I think if I troubled to look I would find scores of open-source plans for building your own attack drones helpfully put online by all those thoroughly evil souls trying to keep the wars in Gaza and Ukraine going on forever. On the other hand, they were probably paid to do that by someone at USAID so perhaps the funding for that has finally dried up.
Racing drones can do better than 150 mph. Impact alone should be enough.
TNX. I had always thought that fuze was an alternate or British spelling (like tyre and tire); turns out it's a separate word with an entirely different meaning though pronounced the same way
I read about an AI controlled drone that once activated it would take off and turn off communications. It would go to a set GPS location where it armed one minute prior to arriving at the GPS location. It would the fly a grid looking for humans. Once identified it would attack the neck and the blast would decapitate the victim and destroy the drone. If it flew the grid and was unable to come up with a target it would disarm and fly back to point of origin. This would be a gamechanger on the battlefield.
How long before commercially sellable drones in the US will be mandated to have serialized parts to facilitate tracking. If you buy it online odds are good the Feds will be able to track it to you...if not now, soon.
Anyone familiar with Black Mirror episode ‘Most hated in the nation’?
Not yet....
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